Home 美國 【鹹水藝術史】中國當代藝術在國際藝術界的興起 | 龍邃洋 | 溫哥華美術館 | The Emergence of Chinese Contemporary Art | Steven Dragonn

【鹹水藝術史】中國當代藝術在國際藝術界的興起 | 龍邃洋 | 溫哥華美術館 | The Emergence of Chinese Contemporary Art | Steven Dragonn

【鹹水藝術史】中國當代藝術在國際藝術界的興起 | 龍邃洋 | 溫哥華美術館 | The Emergence of Chinese Contemporary Art |  Steven Dragonn

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Mandarin Lecture Series | 藝術相聯中文線上講座
星期一 | 5月25日 | 1:30 PM
龍邃洋(Steven Dragonn)將探索從清代末期至1970年代末中國藝術是否失去了與世界的聯繫?隨著1980年代的經濟自由化和開放,中國的藝術如何在既有的傳統中國藝術體系之外發展?數十年來,中國藝術家一直在努力探索。在85年代新浪潮運動之後的30年中,我們回顧了中國當代藝術的興起以及近代全球化歷史裡中國藝術生態學。

此活動為2020年亞裔文化節的線上活動 (explorAsian 2020)。

活動是由溫哥華美術館署任首席策展人兼副總監斐丹娜(Diana Freundl) 及溫哥華美術館亞洲藝術活動項目策劃陳勵瑩(Lynn Chen)主持討論。


Mandarin Lecture: Steven Dragonn
The Emergence of Chinese Contemporary Art on the International Art Scene

Monday, May 25 | 1:30 PM

In this talk, presented in Mandarin, independent curator Steven Dragonn explores how modern Chinese art lost its global connections during the end of the Qing dynasty, which continued into the late 1970s. With the liberalization and opening up of the economy in the 1980s, how did art in China develop outside of the established traditional Chinese art system? Contemporary artists in China grappled with this question for decades. Following on 30 years after the ’85 New Wave art movement, we look back at the rise of Chinese contemporary art and the recent history of globalization in the Chinese art ecology.

This event is part of Virtual explorASIAN 2020.
The talk will be moderated by Diana Freundl, Interim Chief Curator / Associate Director, and Lynn Chen, Institute of Asian Art Programming Assistant.

Steven Dragonn was born in Guangzhou, Dragonn graduated from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a BFA and he had his master degree in the Film and Multimedia Arts Department of the Université de Paris-Est, France. He was the former curator of Contemporary Art Program of Memorial Hall of Lingnan School of Painting, chief curator of Kids’ Triennial of Canton, art director of R Space in Vancouver, Canada. Now he is an independent curator, working in both Guangzhou and Vancouver, founder of Canton-sardine, founder and teaching director of Contemporary Art Edu-institute, external teacher of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art.



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