![【Caribbean Vacation】Piton Hiking & Sugar Beach in St. Lucia [ HD ] 加勒比海旅遊 || St. Lucia 聖露西亞生活 【Caribbean Vacation】Piton Hiking & Sugar Beach in St. Lucia [ HD ] 加勒比海旅遊 || St. Lucia 聖露西亞生活](https://visa-china.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/【Caribbean-Vacation】Piton-Hiking-amp-Sugar-Beach-in-St-Lucia-768x432.jpg)
Gros Piton is one of two mountains south of the town Soufrière in the southwest of Saint Lucia. Lying at the southern end of Pitons Bay, it rises to a height of 798 m (2619 ft). It is the second highest peak on Saint Lucia, after Mount Gimie.
Gros Piton can be climbed without ropes or mountaineering experience. One can hike to the summit and come back down to the sea-level within a few hours. Local guides are available for hire (typically through the resorts) and are trained by the government to have basic knowledge of the languages common among tourists and of the medical procedures required in case of common accidents.
1. Ticket for the residents is 55EC.
Ticket for the tourists is 88.25EC.
2. Local guides are available for hire (typically through the resorts) and are trained by the government to have basic knowledge of the languages common among tourists and of the medical procedures required in case of common accidents.
3. Be sure to bring enough water and food to prevent from hunger and dehydration.
4. There are many rocky roads on the way to the top.
5. It takes five hours to go up and come back, including rest time.
6. Make sure to wear sun hat, sunscreen and insect repellent.
Petit Piton is one of two mountains overlooking Soufrière Bay in the southwest of Saint Lucia. Petit Piton lies towards the middle of the bay, south of the town of Soufrière and north of the larger mountain, Gros Piton, to which it is linked by the Piton Mitan Ridge. Petit Piton rises to a height of 2461 ft (739 m).Gros Piton is taller than it by about 150 ft.
Source from Wikipedia
Sugar Beach
The most famous beach on the island, gorgeous Sugar Beach is spectacularly situated between the two Pitons, ensuring phenomenal views both from the sand and in the water. Like most in the area, it was originally a grey-sand beach – the soft white sands are imported from abroad.
Source from lonelyplanet
Gross Piton (大Piton)
Gross Piton是Saint Lucia第二高的山,緊接著Mount Gimie,約800公尺,是一座抬頭望著,頭會痠,身體會往後倒的山。
1. 門票:居民55EC,遊客88.25EC
2. 每三個登山者配一位導遊,導遊都在入口處,不用事先預約,下山須給小費(自行決定)。
3. 上山前須確保備足糧食和1.5L的飲用水,避免飢餓和脫水。
4. 登山道路幾乎是由大小石頭建構而成,需考量自己的腿力。
5. 上山需2.5小時,有三個休息站,下山約1.5小時,全程含休息5小時。
6. 山上太陽炙熱,需準備防曬帽、防曬乳和防蚊液。
Sugar Beach
Saint Lucia島嶼上非常有名且水質清澈的海灘,坐落於兩座Piton之間,可以環視兩座山的雄偉,適合游泳、浮潛。
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St. Lucia journey、 St. Lucia trip、 Travel in St. Lucia、 St. Lucia、 Gross Piton、
Petit Piton、Suger beach、mountain climbing、How to climb the Gross Piton、How to、HD
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