Home 美國 美第七艦隊,美太平洋艦隊主力之一,名氣與實力並存的美軍王牌,一艘核動力航母的戰力究竟有多高?U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet

美第七艦隊,美太平洋艦隊主力之一,名氣與實力並存的美軍王牌,一艘核動力航母的戰力究竟有多高?U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet

美第七艦隊,美太平洋艦隊主力之一,名氣與實力並存的美軍王牌,一艘核動力航母的戰力究竟有多高?U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet

00:00 前言
01:42 艦隊實力
05:13 遠洋利劍
美國海軍第七艦隊(英語:United States Navy Seventh Fleet)是美國海軍旗下的遠洋艦隊之一,隸屬於美國印度太平洋司令部屬下的太平洋艦隊,成立於1943年3月15日,1949年8月19日改名為美國海軍第七特遣艦隊,1950年2月恢復第七艦隊的名稱。
The United States Navy Seventh Fleet (English: United States Navy Seventh Fleet) is one of the ocean-going fleets of the United States Navy. It belongs to the Pacific Fleet under the United States Indo-Pacific Command. It was established on March 15, 1943 and August 19, 1949. Japan was renamed as the Seventh Task Force of the US Navy, and the name of the Seventh Fleet was restored in February 1950.
The Seventh Fleet Headquarters is located in Yokosuka Port, Japan. Its stations include Sasebo Base in Japan, Okinawa and Busan, Pohang, Jinhae Base in South Korea, Singapore and other places. It is the largest overseas frontline projection force in the United States, used to intimidate enemy countries and cooperation with allies. Protecting sea lanes, assisting in defense of American allies, and using force when intimidation fails, and often serving as a mobile fleet when the United States conducts military operations abroad.



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