1:05 什么是小特赦(ASRV)
What is a Apeco Special Resident Visa(ASRV)
1:34 小特赦(ASRV)的优点是什么
What are the advantages of Apeco Special Resident Visa (ASRV)
2:55 菲律宾小特赦的常见问题
FAQ of Apeco Special Resident Visa (ASRV)
【关于凯盛 | About KS】
KS Global main business: overseas immigration, overseas company registration; all kinds of visa processing; the company has offices in the Philippines, Turkey, Hong Kong, Singapore; We have highly efficient immigration lawyers, professional project development team and immigration consultant team to provide you a professional, efficient and high-quality service experience.
【更多资讯 | More Info】
Telegram: @kaishengyimin whatsapp: +63 915 376 5888