Home 美國 【美國移民】拿到綠卡前後的稅務規劃,繳的稅竟差這麼多?夫妻共同移民,如何規劃最省稅?外國人贈與需要賦稅嗎?|美國省稅|美國稅務|台灣美國通EP55




移民美國前,股票.房產.銀行帳戶 需要先做好哪些稅務安排?

📢📢📢 關於美國省稅的各項問題 歡迎聯繫泛宇

0:00 Intro
0:23 移民美國後將面臨高額稅金
1:00 避稅Tips:股票
1:22 避稅Tips:房地產
1:38 避稅Tips:退休規劃、銀行金融帳戶
2:03 夫妻移民美國如何規劃
2:29 美國稅務居民的缺點
2:45 外國人贈與需要交稅嗎
3:10 如何減免美國遺產稅

歡迎在影片下, 留言您的問題, ~


⭐️在美國投資做生意 有哪些省稅方式?如何善用減免額抵稅?

⭐️雙重國籍人士注意!稅好重 如何做好理財不繳冤枉稅?

⭐️美國房屋抵押貸款 用房產借錢換現金 居然有4大抵稅好處?

⭐️移民美國前後的省稅規劃 哪些資產該先賣?如何申報海外資產?



#移民美國 #美國省稅 #稅務規劃 #綠卡 #所得稅 #遺產稅 #資本利得稅 #省稅 #稅務 #繳稅 #贈與 #美國稅務 #泛宇 #TransGlobal #台灣美國通 #美國通

美國泛宇集團TransGlobal Holding Company有超過30年的財務規劃與管理經驗,專門為美國亞裔社區服務。由創始人兼總裁胡正國先生 Philip Hu的遠見,於2008-2009年全球金融風暴時期逆勢而為,相較於其他金融公司都在收緊業務之際,總裁胡正國先生反而開始積極地擴展事業版圖,於全美各州招募人才,廣設分公司,於短短的數年間,服務範圍由加州擴展至全美主要城市,包括加州、紐約州、喬志亞州、麻州、德州、華盛頓州、夏威夷州、賓州以及關島,於上述商業發展蓬勃的13大州設立28+間分公司; 橫跨美國東西岸, 都有美國泛宇集團的專業理財規劃團隊為您服務。



TransGlobal Holding Company has over 30 years of experience in financial planning and management, aiming to serve the Asian communities in the U.S. With the vision of president and owner Philip Hu, the company excelled against the trend during the financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. While other financial companies tightened their businesses, President Philip Hu actively enlarged his business by recruiting nationwide talent and launching new branches. In just a few years, TransGlobal expanded beyond California to the East Coast, establishing branches in 25 major cities with vigorous growth that span 9 states, including California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Texas, Washington, and Hawaii. From the West Coast to the East Coast, TransGlobal’s financial planning professionals are now better able to serve their clients.

Since 2015, President Philip Hu has implemented his innovative, progressive strategy, leading TransGlobal to integrate new product lines under the company, enlarging the group’s scope of service from life insurance, annuity, and financial management, to now encompassing mortgage financing, real estate, tax services, asset management, and health insurance. Recruiting the most talented industry professionals to create a well-rounded financial planning platform provides clients with the prompt, professional, and complete all-in-one wealth management service clients seek.



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