第二次世界大戰期間,德國占領蘇聯大片領土,準備試驗飛彈,襲擊莫斯科。蘇聯飛行員Grivtsov、副駕駛Linkov和無線電操作員卡佳受命偵察敵情,飛機被擊落,兩位飛行員被俘。 Linkov叛變,Grivtsov成功地逃離戰俘營。他們現在必須完成作戰任務,回到他們賴以生存的祖國……
During the Second World War, Germany occupied a large area of the Soviet Union, preparing to test missiles and attack Moscow. Soviet pilot Grivtsov, co-pilot Linkov, and radio operator Katya were ordered to detect the enemy. The plane was shot down and the two pilots were captured. Linkov rebelled and Grivtsov successfully escaped from the prisoner-of-war camp. They must now complete the combat mission and return to the homeland where they live…