#英国生活 #英国文化 #英国法律
0:00 简介
0:57 冻卵
1:12 代孕
1:30 风险和成功概率
2:25 全球法规
3:30 英国法律
4:00 利他主义(非营利)
4:45 英国法律漏洞
5:45 谁是合法父母?
6:35 法院争端:英国vs乌克兰
7:50 有机会获得国际标准吗?
8:20 个人想法
Welcome to the very first episode of Myth Life in UK! Thanks for watching! In this episode, I aim to demystify the wonder of medical achievement, the ‘indefinite’ fertility (i.e surrogacy)!
Women seeking egg freezing service (mature oocyte cryopreservation) has been trending recently, especially among the working class women. It is sensible because they are hoping to preserve their fertility until the ‘time’ is right. However, the underpinning risks associated with the procedure are not well understood. I am here to elucidate the risks, the probability of success, and the potential ethical and regulatory concerns of surrogacy.
In particular, I’m eager to share with you the current regulation in UK regarding surrogacy service. It is complicated, full of grey area and court dispute. I hope this episode will help you to navigate the situation better. Lastly, I wish you all the best in the quest of getting your babies!