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The contents of this promotional material (“Information”) are transcribed directly from the developers. The Information provided herein is for reference only and shall not be regarded or treated as an offer, solicitation or invitation to investment. Nothing contained herein constitutes legal or investment advice. Purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong involves complicated issues and risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. To protect your own interests, please seek independent legal and professional advice and consult your lawyers and/or advisers before making a purchase decision. Whilst EK Properties (Overseas) endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the Information, such should not be considered exhaustive. EK Properties (Overseas), its subsidiaries, associates and affiliates expressly disclaim any representation, warranty, guarantee, whether expressed or implied, or responsibility of any kind in relation to the legality, validity, reliability, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Information. To the extent permitted by law, EK Properties (Overseas), its subsidiaries, associates and affiliates disclaim all liabilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of and/or in connection with the use of, reliance or adoption of the Information. For the avoidance of doubt, EK Properties (Overseas) is not licensed to deal with the sale and purchase of any property situated outside Hong Kong.