希臘新樓 買樓送身份 海外資產配置 無移民監 一家三代 一步到位永居身份 隨時起行 放租自住 性價比高 投資25萬歐元 嵐灣.豪庭 景鴻置業 (海外) I景鴻集團
在希臘雅典南部海岸Palaio Faliro上,有一片屬於您的靈感勝地──「嵐灣.豪庭」。
全新獨棟豪華公寓「嵐灣.豪庭」,位於Stavros Niarchos文化中心(SNFCC)、弗利斯沃斯碼頭這兩個地標附近。除了是最熱鬧的、最適宜生活的海濱社區,更是人文藝術薈萃天地,每年吸引成千上萬的遊客駐足。
「嵐灣.豪庭」交通及生活配套齊全,地理位置優越,四通八達。瞬間可達衛城、憲法廣場及國家公園等著名景點。它亦毗鄰雅典最大的Faliro Cove 重建項目,預料將與大型海灘公園同年竣工,連接着新商業和文化樞紐。「嵐灣.豪庭」即將於2022年落成,憑藉其具現代感的外廓設計、簡約優雅的氣息,完全可以成為社區中最獨特的建築物之一。「嵐灣.豪庭」無疑是炙手可熱的物業。
▪ 位於Palaio Faliro海濱社區
▪ 全新及全面裝修的建築
▪ 6層公寓一梯一伙
▪ 室內設計現代化
▪ 外廓高雅簡約
▪ 生活設備完善
▪ 交通配套齊全
透過 #希臘購房移民 ,尋獲「理想的家」與嶄新永居身份!
▪ 25萬歐元起低門檻投資
▪ 一人辦理,全家三代移民,辦理周期短
▪ 一步實現海外身份+置業回報雙贏
📱WhatsApp:+852 9696 1844
☎公司電話:+852 2369 1844
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✅請留言 #預約免費諮詢 或 #登記免費講座,將由專人跟進
The contents of this promotional material (“Information”) are transcribed directly from the developers. The Information provided herein is for reference only and shall not be regarded or treated as an offer, solicitation or invitation to investment. Nothing contained herein constitutes legal or investment advice. Purchasing properties situated outside Hong Kong involves complicated issues and risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. To protect your own interests, please seek independent legal and professional advice and consult your lawyers and/or advisers before making a purchase decision. Whilst EK Properties (Overseas) endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the Information, such should not be considered exhaustive. EK Properties (Overseas), its subsidiaries, associates and affiliates expressly disclaim any representation, warranty, guarantee, whether expressed or implied, or responsibility of any kind in relation to the legality, validity, reliability, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Information. To the extent permitted by law, EK Properties (Overseas), its subsidiaries, associates and affiliates disclaim all liabilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of and/or in connection with the use of, reliance or adoption of the Information. For the avoidance of doubt, EK Properties (Overseas) is not licensed to deal with the sale and purchase of any property situated outside Hong Kong.