Home 美國 扎哈展終身未婚的傳奇「女魔頭」:精力只夠我把一件事幹到極致 The legendary "devil" who was unmarried for life

扎哈展終身未婚的傳奇「女魔頭」:精力只夠我把一件事幹到極致 The legendary "devil" who was unmarried for life

扎哈展終身未婚的傳奇「女魔頭」:精力只夠我把一件事幹到極致 The legendary "devil" who was unmarried for life

2021年3月,建築師扎哈(Zaha Hadid)逝世5週年,7月,扎哈.哈迪德建築事務所的中國首展在上海開幕。200多件代表作的原版建築模型、珍貴手稿,來到現場。這個天馬行空的鬼才終身未婚,打破條條框框。讓世界愛上了曲線,和流動的「扎哈形狀」。
March 2021 marked the 5th anniversary of the death of architect Zaha Hadid. In July, the first exhibition of Zaha Hadid Architects in mainland China opened in Shanghai. More than 200 original architectural models and precious manuscripts of her masterpieces are presented. This unrestrained genius was unmarried for life, devoted to breaking the trammels of conventional ideas. She made the world fall in love with curves, and the flowing “Zaha shapes”.

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