今天Angel試吃的店是台ONE味,位於North Bridge Road。
記得要去之前一定要先訂位啊!因為Angel在Google review上面看到有人說沒訂位進不去喔!
地址:751 North Bridge Road
Living so long in Singapore, Angel haven’t seen any Taiwan Zi Char in Singapore.
BUT! This year in June, Singapore got it’s 1st Taiwanese style Zi Char restaurant in Singapore!
Angel’s audiences are so excited and asked Angel to try it out then share with them whether it is authentic or not.
The stall that Angel shared in this video is call TAI ONE WEI, it is located on North Bridge Road.
If you are planning to go there, remember to make reservation via Google Map! Because there were some reviews saying that they can’t go in without reservation.
Address: 751 North Bridge Road
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Hi! My name is Angel! I would like to share with you the world through my eyes! ❤️
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我在新加坡花$1200搭郵輪去公海|皇家加勒比郵輪|$1200 Cruise to Nowhere|Royal Caribbean Quantum of the Sea|Angel Hsu 安琪兒
台灣中文vs新加坡中文vs香蕉人中文|Taiwan Chinese vs Singapore Chinese vs Banana Chinese|Angel Hsu ft Chicken Genius
我在新加坡租了一個男朋友過年過情人節|新加坡生活|I rented a boyfriend for Valentines Day & CNY in Singapore|Angel Hsu安琪兒
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