DLX Design Lab collaborates with the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Industrial Science to create innovative ideas through a design-led approach.
The members of the design team behind these ideas come from many different countries, including Japan, UK, Israel, Germany and France, and this diversity is the source of the creative process that generates the different ways of thinking.
As part of IIS’s annual open campus, DLX Design Lab will be hosting an online session introducing our activity. We will be featuring a tour through our facility, talking about treasure-hunting as well as present some of our latest works. At the end of the session, we will run a short q+a. Please join us as we openthe doors to our lab.
DLX Design Labは東京大学生産技術研究所の研究室と共に、デザイン主導のアプローチによってイノベーティブなアイデアを生み出す活動をしています。
00:00- Introduction
14:16- Lab Tour
21:38- Master Student Project Talk
28:31- Treasure-Hunting
37:20- DLX Project Talks
50:36- Q&A session