Home 加勒比海 死過返生 – 大開曼島旅行實錄 (粤語/有字幕) Grand Cayman local island tour review, with auto-translated subtitles.

死過返生 – 大開曼島旅行實錄 (粤語/有字幕) Grand Cayman local island tour review, with auto-translated subtitles.

死過返生 – 大開曼島旅行實錄 (粤語/有字幕) Grand Cayman local island tour review, with auto-translated subtitles.

00:00 Intro 介紹
0:36 Tax-free heaven 免稅天堂
2:26 Why tax free 為什麼享有免稅特權
3:08 Tour guide’s narration in English 導遊英文解說
4:50 Billionaires 億萬富豪
5:03 Dart Management 禿鷲基金
7:35 Hell 地獄
9:02 Rum cake 人間煙火
10:29 Dolphin Discovery 海豚館
11:08 Addition 彩蛋

開曼群島的天堂丶地獄和它的人間煙火, 讓我們不枉此行!

To enable English subtitles on a PC, go to lower right corner of the video, click [cc], which stands for closed caption. Then click the gear icon, select “Subtitles/CC”, then select “Auto translate”. Scrolling and click “English”. Step-by-step instruction is available at



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