究竟如何為子女選擇一間好的英國公立中學?在影片中,現職中學教師 Miss Valerie Chan 教你如何利用Locrating比較公立中學,為何Ofsted report有用,但可靠程度及公信力成疑,以及如何利用學校開放日增加對學校的了解。
In this video, secondary state school teacher Miss Valerie Chan teaches you how to find a good secondary state school in the UK using Locrating, why Ofsted report worth referencing, but its reliability and credibility are questionable, and how to make good use of school open days to increase understanding on the school.
Link for Locrating:
0:00 Introduction
0:21 Locrating
1:30 Information about schools on Locrating
7:41 Ofsted reports
9:12 How to consult Ofsted Reports
9:47 Limitations and weaknesses of Ofsted Reports
13:23 School open days
14:48 Restaurant Recommendation
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