Home 歐洲 登陸之日 | 電影解說 | 戰爭片 | 苏联498辆坦克,抓走60万日本关东军,仅6万存活真实事件改编电影#登陸之日#電影解說# 戰爭片# 登陸之日 電影 線上看# 登陸之日 豆瓣#毒心电影

登陸之日 | 電影解說 | 戰爭片 | 苏联498辆坦克,抓走60万日本关东军,仅6万存活真实事件改编电影#登陸之日#電影解說# 戰爭片# 登陸之日 電影 線上看# 登陸之日 豆瓣#毒心电影

登陸之日 | 電影解說 | 戰爭片 | 苏联498辆坦克,抓走60万日本关东军,仅6万存活真实事件改编电影#登陸之日#電影解說#  戰爭片# 登陸之日 電影 線上看# 登陸之日 豆瓣#毒心电影

登陸之日 | 電影解說 | 戰爭片 | 苏联498辆坦克,抓走60万日本关东军,仅6万存活真实事件改编电影


《登陸之日》(韓語:마이웨이,英語:My Way,即我的征途)是一部2011年末上映的日本、韓國合拍電影。姜帝圭執導,韓國CJ Entertainment及日本東映株式會社攝制及發行


1939年第二次世界大戰爆發,俊殖和同伴們因馬拉松比賽中被誣指涉嫌動亂,被日本陸軍征召入伍,辰雄則為日軍大佐。俊殖和同伴跟隨日軍先於中國戰場遭遇到一名因戰爭而家破人亡的中國遊擊隊狙擊手徐萊(範冰冰飾),徐萊被日軍反制後被俘虜。俊殖因反對上司長谷川辰雄的特攻作戰和徐萊被判槍決死刑。夜晚,俊殖被同伴們救出後成功逃脫,眾人來到河邊後發現蘇聯裝甲部隊比日軍提早進攻,俊殖為保護同胞返回阻止日軍的行動,途中徐萊為保護俊殖犧牲[註 2]。後來日軍於諾門罕戰役中慘敗,俊殖和辰雄二人同時與日軍殘部被蘇聯紅軍所俘虜,在蘇聯戰俘營被逼勞動。由於戰俘營中生活環境非常惡劣,營中最終發生暴動,俊殖和辰雄也一同被判死刑。




#登陸之日#電影解說# 戰爭片# 登陸之日 電影 線上看# 登陸之日 豆瓣# 登陸之日原型# 登陸之日 電影# 登陸之日 線上看# 登陸之日真實故事# 登陸之日gimy# 登陸之日影評# 登陸之日netflix# 登陸之日 線上# 登陸之日評價# 日本# 戰爭# 二戰# 動作# 戰爭# 優秀電影# 登陸之日# 戰爭電影# 真實事件改編# 德國納粹# 二戰史詩# 世界大戰# 第二次世界大戰# 美國# 蘇聯# 戰場# 一戰# 第一次世界大戰# 世界戰場# 二戰女俘虜# 日本女俘虜# 美日# 美國日本#KE樂電影

The Day of Landing | Movie Commentary | War Movie | How miserable are the captured devils? Under the careful care of the Soviet big brother, now it has become a shadow

The Day of Landing (Korean: 마이웨이, English: My Way) is a Japanese-South Korean co-production film released in late 2011. Directed by Kang Di-kyu, produced and distributed by South Korea’s CJ Entertainment and Japan’s Toei Co., Ltd.

In the capital (present-day Seoul) during the Japanese occupation of North Korea, the South Korean teenager Kim Jun-sik (played by Jang Dong-gun) is a poor rickshaw driver, and the Japanese youth Tatsuo Hasegawa (played by Oda Kiri) comes from a traditional middle-class family. The two competed for each other’s nationality in a marathon event.

When World War II broke out in 1939, Jun Shi and his companions were falsely accused of being involved in turmoil in a marathon race, and were drafted into the Japanese army, while Chen Xiong was the Japanese army chief. Junzhi and his companions followed the Japanese army before they encountered Xu Lai (Fan Bingbing), a Chinese guerrilla sniper who was destroyed by the war. Xu Lai was captured after being countered by the Japanese army. Junji was sentenced to death by shooting for opposing his boss Tatsuo Hasegawa’s special attack and Xu Lai. At night, Junzhi was rescued by his comrades and successfully escaped. When they came to the river, they found that the Soviet armored forces attacked earlier than the Japanese army. Junzhi returned to prevent the Japanese army to protect his compatriots. On the way, Xu Lai sacrificed to protect Junzhi[Note 2] . Later, the Japanese army suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Nomonhan. Junzhi and Chenxiong were captured by the Soviet Red Army along with the remnants of the Japanese army, and were forced to work in a Soviet prisoner of war camp. Due to the very harsh living conditions in the prisoner of war camp, a riot broke out in the camp, and Junshi and Chenxiong were also sentenced to death.

Coinciding with the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the two were forced to put on uniforms to become a member of the Soviet army in order to survive, and once again stood on the front line on the Soviet-German battlefield. The two survived and were captured by the Wehrmacht. The two turned from mutual hostility to mutual friendliness. Finally, as members of the German army, they participated in the Battle of Normandy. Jun Shi was shot and died on the battlefield. Before his death, he handed his identity and name to Chen Xiong to prevent Chen Xiong from being killed because of his Japanese identity. From July 29th to August 14th, 1948, Chenxiong participated in the London Olympics as Jin Junzhi, fulfilling his dream.




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