00:00 前言
00:47 越戰精英
05:00 駐歐精銳
第173空降旅級戰鬥隊(英語:173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team),是美國陸軍的一支空降步兵旅級戰鬥隊,現駐地在意大利東北部維琴察的埃德勒兵營,目前屬性為美國歐洲司令部下轄的常規空降戰略反應部隊。部隊別名“Sky Soldiers” 即中文裡“天兵”的英譯,源自於1960年代初期,該旅在與台灣傘兵聯合訓練時的一系列同名演習代號——“天兵演習”
The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team (173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team) is an airborne infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army. The conventional airborne strategic response force under the command. The unit’s alias “Sky Soldiers” is the English translation of “Sky Soldiers” in Chinese. It originated from a series of exercises of the same name during the joint training of the brigade with Taiwan paratroopers in the early 1960s – “Sky Soldiers Exercise”