00:00 前言
00:50 第一騎兵
04:20 重裝騎兵
美國陸軍第1騎兵師,簡稱美騎一師,第一次在一戰後的1921年成立,下屬的第二騎兵團組建在1855年。組建後參加過太平洋戰爭和朝鮮戰爭,戰後集體轉入預備役。 1965年由第11空降師和第2步兵師重新組建,成為第一個空中機動師,參加越南戰爭,現編制3個重裝旅、一個工兵旅和一個航空旅共1.6萬人,隸屬美國陸軍第3軍,駐地為美國德克薩斯州胡德堡基地。
The 1st Cavalry Division of the United States Army, referred to as the First US Cavalry Division, was first established in 1921 after World War I. The second Cavalry Regiment was formed in 1855. After its formation, he participated in the Pacific War and the Korean War, and was collectively transferred to the reserve service after the war. In 1965, the 11th Airborne Division and the 2nd Infantry Division were reorganized and became the first air mobile division. It participated in the Vietnam War. It is now composed of 3 heavy brigades, an engineer brigade, and an aviation brigade with a total of 16,000 people. It belongs to the U.S. Army. The 3rd Army, based in Fort Hood, Texas, USA.