Home 加勒比海 (6) 在亂世中掌權的上帝 (但以理書1-6章) (附简体字字幕) God in charge of the chaotic world 講員:許樹源

(6) 在亂世中掌權的上帝 (但以理書1-6章) (附简体字字幕) God in charge of the chaotic world 講員:許樹源

(6) 在亂世中掌權的上帝 (但以理書1-6章) (附简体字字幕) God in charge of the chaotic world 講員:許樹源

這聖經分享(廣東話)首先解釋「神權」、「人權」和[政權」的關係,然後看聖經人物在「神權」、「人權」與「政權」有衝突的時候,如何過一個敬畏神的生活,隨後分析上帝在人類歷史的朝代更替中如何掌權。This bible sharing (in Cantonese) starts with an explanation of the relationships among the authorities of God, humans and governments. Then it describes how several bible figures lived their God-fearing lives in face of conflicts between the authorities of God and governments. The absolute power of God in changing worldly governments is illustrated in the first 6 chapters of the Book of Daniel.



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