M1式加蘭德步槍(英文:M1 .30 Caliber Rifle /M1 Garand Semi-automatic rifle ),是20世紀20年代美國開始研製的一型半自動步槍。
M1式加蘭德步槍因其設計師約翰·坎特厄斯·加蘭德而得名,在中國俗稱大八粒(又叫:八粒快),是美國軍隊在第二次世界大戰期間裝備的製式步槍,也是約翰·加蘭德最著名的產品。 1936年1月9日,美軍開始裝備M1加蘭德,歷經第二次世界大戰和朝鮮戰爭,至1957年全世界共生產了M1加蘭德近1000萬支。
The M1 Garand Rifle (English: M1 .30 Caliber Rifle /M1 Garand Semi-automatic rifle) is a semi-automatic rifle developed by the United States in the 1920s.
The M1 Garland rifle is named after its designer John Canterus Garland. It is commonly known in China as Da Ba Li (also known as Ba Li Kuai). It was equipped by the US military during World War II. The standard rifle is also the most famous product of John Garland. On January 9, 1936, the U.S. Army began to equip M1 Garland. After World War II and the Korean War, by 1957, nearly 10 million M1 Garland had been produced in the world.