Home 歐洲 Basic Spanish/English/Chinese Conversations: COVID-19 Pandemic (L9W2) (基础西班牙语/英语/中文对话:新冠疫情)

Basic Spanish/English/Chinese Conversations: COVID-19 Pandemic (L9W2) (基础西班牙语/英语/中文对话:新冠疫情)

Basic Spanish/English/Chinese Conversations: COVID-19 Pandemic (L9W2) (基础西班牙语/英语/中文对话:新冠疫情)

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This is a teaching video for multiple languages learning. In this video we are going to learn how to talk about COVID-19 pandemic in a small talk. There are 3 sections in this episode, Ryan will talk with Jennifer using 3 different languages including Spanish, English and Chinese. Thanks for watching.

0:12​ Spanish
0:37​ English
0:57​ Chinese
XinYue Global Outlook (XYGO) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We provide FREE ONLINE multiple languages learning including but not limited to Spanish, French, English and Chinese. Currently we have over 500 students around the world. We will periodically make and post short teaching-learning videos on the XinYue Global Outlook (XYGO) official YouTube channel (XYGO In Action) and corresponding XinYue Global Outlook (XYGO) official website. Welcome to visit our XYGO website and subscribe to XYGO In Action YouTube channel. Please like, share, forward and leave comments. Thanks a lot.

XYGO is founded and run by YANG family.

星月国际瞭望 (XinYue Global Outlook, XYGO) 是一家正式注册成立的501(c)(3)非营利组织。我们提供免费的在线多种语言教学包括西班牙语,法语,英语和中文。目前,我们在全球拥有500多名学生。我们会定期制作并在星月国际瞭望官方YouTube频道 (XYGO In Action,星月国际瞭望在行动)及其官方网站 (www.xygo.org)上发布相关教学短视频。欢迎大家访问我们”星月国际瞭望“的官方网页并订阅”星月国际瞭望在行动“的YouTube频道。欢迎点赞,分享,转发和评论,谢谢大家!

星月国际瞭望官方YouTube频道 (XYGO In Action,星月国际瞭望在行动)是由YANG family创办、运营和维护的。


(1) XinYue Global Outlook (XYGO) official website/星月国际瞭望官方网页:

Contact Email: xygo2019@gmail.com

(2) XinyYue Global Outlook (XYGO) In Action official Youtube channel/星月国际瞭望在行动官方YouTube频道:

Contact Email: xygo2019@gmail.com

(3) Facebook(脸书):

(4) Twitter (推特):

(5) 为了方便中国大陆学生, 我们会在Youtube在国内相应的优酷(Youku.com)频道同步发布相关教学短视频。中国国内用户可访问优酷(Youku.com)频道, 请搜索“星月国际瞭望在行动” 或点击下列网页链接。

#SpanishEnglishChineseConversation西语英语中文对话​ #COVID19Pandemic新冠疫情



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