Home 歐洲 BNO回流潮🇬🇧香港人移民英國 後悔了? 好難適應?移民前準備 Hong Kong Families in the UK

BNO回流潮🇬🇧香港人移民英國 後悔了? 好難適應?移民前準備 Hong Kong Families in the UK

BNO回流潮🇬🇧香港人移民英國 後悔了? 好難適應?移民前準備 Hong Kong Families in the UK

BNO回流潮🇬🇧香港人移民英國 後悔了? 好難適應?移民前如何準備? 在英國蘇格蘭搵學校?搵屋?
How are Hong Kong families adjusting to their new lives in Scotland, UK?

拍攝於2022年8月 (去英國時拍了很多短片…但不夠時間剪片…)

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廣告/合作: missmaggieenglish@gmail.com

文法Grammar Playlist


#英國 #移民 #英文 #english #蘇格蘭

Maggie travels to new places to meet 2 families on a BNO passport and LOTR visa. Find out to see how these families have settled into British life. How are their children doing in school, what do they regret, and do they have any advice for future BNO immigrants. If you are a beginner learning basic English or a more advanced learner of English or Cantonese, English with Maggie videos can help you improve your writing, listening, and speaking skills. Maggie uses funny current Hong Kong events and personalities as examples and creates characters like Aunt Margaret, Young Maggie, Boss Maggie, and Coco the Cat to make it more relatable to YouTube viewers. This video is in Cantonese and English. It’s suitable for English as Second Language (ESL) and Cantonese learners, as well as those wanting to take IELTS, DSE, TESOL, Cambridge YLE (Readers, Flyers, Movers), and Read Write inc (RWI).

00:00 Intro
00:22 Accents
1:45 School Life
2:43 School Application
4:48 What should you bring
5:31 House Renovations
7:33 Immigration Decision
9:41 Food
9:57 Income
11:06 Job



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