#特战荣耀 #GloryOfSpecialForces
4月5日,锁定耀客传媒官方频道 YOUHUG MEDIA Official Channel,荣耀书写时代真章!
Air On April 5, 2022
领衔主演:#杨洋 Yang Yang
领衔主演:李一桐Li Yi Tong、蒋璐霞Jiang Lu Xia
主演:孟阿赛Meng A Sai、蒋龙Jiang Long、周牧茵Zhou Mu Yin 、刘硕Liu Shuo、郭洺宇Guo Ming Yu
特邀出演:高鑫Gao Xin
特邀出演:吴健 Wu Jian
友情出演:沈晓海Shen Xiao Hai、石兆琪Shi Zhao Qi
A coming-of-age story follows Yan Po Yue, a young man who is outstanding at everything yet remains a loner that doesn’t fit well with the team. After surviving harsh training and difficult missions, he becomes a proper soldier who fights alongside his comrades.
Yan Po Yue comes from a family of soldiers. With something to prove to his father, he applies for military school at the onset of the gaokao examinations. During the assembly for new recruits, Yan Po Yue delivers exceptional results but fails to win the favor of his superior. He is sent to become part of the cooking crew which turns out to be a place full of people with a hidden talent.
Yan Po Yue joins the selection for a special force in the army with only his own success in mind. However, he realizes that he is still lacking in many ways and through the help of his comrades, he starts to become the soldier that he has always aspired to be.
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