This is a special documentary comparing Yuri on Ice anime scenes vs Real Life figure skaters stories and the skating performances. We know that this topic could be controversial as some figure skating fans don’t like people to compare the real person to the anime. However, after watching Yuri on Ice, we can be sure that the producer / author is definitely a figure skating fan too. Most of the moves/ performance depicted in YOI highly replicated the real performance in figure skating. The backgrounds of the events are so similar to the real competitions. And some real figure skaters even made a cameo appearance in this anime.
Honestly it’s much better than the portray of Hollywood movies such as “I, Tonya” or Netflix show “Spinning out” when it comes to the modern figure skating representation. The problem with these 2 shows are that the producers seem not interested to find out how figure skating real scenes are in the modern 2020s centuries and use a lot of “yesterday’s stories” in figure skating.
Overall, Yuri on Ice is a very well made anime and it sure introduced figure skating to a wider range of audience. But, what are those moments in the competitions drawing inspiration from? In this video, let’s explore together – The real figure skaters stories (With Yuri on Ice comparison)
Yuri on ice (YOI) opening anime vs reality | 0:00 – 0:27
YOI brief introduction | 0:27 – 1:53
6 – Origin (Yuri Katsuki / Victor Nikiforov’s real life inspiration) | 1:53 – 3:31
5 – Team Tutberidze (Yuri Plisetski / Lilia Baranovskaya’s real life inspiration) | 3:31 – 4:44
4 – Figure Skating in South East Asia (Phichit Chulanont’s real life inspiration) | 4:44 – 7:00
3 – Tano jumps / world records (Yurio Grand Prix Finals performance real life inspiration) | 7:00 – 9:17
2 – Grand Prix Final Barcelona Anime vs Reality (Sportsmanship | Breakthrough performances) | 9:17 – 12:28
1 – 4F | world records (Yuri Grand Prix Finals performance real life inspiration) | 12:28 – 15:49
Cute medal ceremony moments (Yuzu & Shoma) | 15:49 – 16:36
#yuzuruhanyu #yurionice #anime #yuriplisetsky #yurikatsuki #victornikiforov #yaoi #yoi #yuri #yurio #viktornikiforov #yuurikatsuki #victuuri #yurioniceedit #manga #yurixvictor #yurionicecosplay #otabekaltin #cosplay #otayuri #victuri #otaku #victor #viktuuri #figureskating #iceskating #yurioniceanime #victorxyuri #katsukiyuri #otabekxyurio #bhfyp #yuriedit #animeedit #yurioniceyaoi #figureskater #animeedits #yurianime #phichitchulanont
Starring figure skaters:-
#Yuzuruhanyu – Yuzuru Hanyu, Yuzu, 羽生結弦, Юдзуру Ханю, 柚子,哈牛,ハニュ.ユズル, 羽生、柚る | GOAT (Greatest of all time) | Team Japan
#Evgeniamedvedeva – Евгения Медведева, メドちゃん
#Shomauno – Shoma Uno, 宇野昌磨, ウノ.ショマ, Сёма уно
#Boyangjin – Boyang Jin, 金博洋, ボヤ.ンジン, Боян Джин | #CupofChina2020 Champion | Team China
#EteriTutberidze – Этери Тутберидзе
Machida Tatsuki, Evgeni Plushenko, Stephen Lambiel
Julia Lipnitskaya, Michael Christian Martinez, Patrick Chan, Javier Fernandez
Starring Yuri On Ice Characters:-
Yuri Katsuki
Victor Nikiforov
Yuri Plisetski
Lilia Baranovskaya
Phichit Chulanont
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Source Videos Credit:
Javier FERNANDEZ SP 2015 GPF Tvasahi |
Plushenko’s message to Yuzuru in english |
Evgeni Plushenko showing Yuzuru Hanyu’s jumps as an example of correct execution |
Evgenia Medvedeva – SP Worlds 2016 (NBC) |
GPF 2015 Men Short Program BESP Full Version |
Michael Christian Martinez, Malagueña, Sochi |
Michael Martinez puts on a show for fans |
Yuri on Ice: The Real People Behind the Show 3/4 |
Yulia Lipnitskaya _ Юлия Липницкая – The Comeback Trailer |
Yulia Lipnitskaya’s Phenomenal Free Program – Team Figure Skating Sochi 2014 |
Yuri On Ice In Real Life |
Comparativos – Yuzuru Hanyu vs Evgeni Plushenko |
Yuzuru Hanyu is watching Plushenko in Sochi |
Yuri on ice Ep 1 |
Yuri on ice Ep 4 |
Yuri on ice Ep 11 |
Yuri on ice Ep 12 |
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