Home 加勒比海 11.2 The Victoria Park Declaration (Edinburgh Place) of 112 Emergency Call for HK Autonomy

11.2 The Victoria Park Declaration (Edinburgh Place) of 112 Emergency Call for HK Autonomy

11.2 The Victoria Park Declaration (Edinburgh Place) of 112 Emergency Call for HK Autonomy

Dear fellow Hongkongers and friends from around the world,

As one, we Hongkongers, unified by our common goal to achieve true liberty and democracy, march arm-in-arm through these months of turmoil in both agony and pride. Once naively dreamed that China would one day grow into a free nation with an open society, we have been proven very wrong. The CCP rejects the very cornerstones of a humane civilization: they trample on liberties, human rights and human lives – our lives, as we live our waking nightmares here at our very home day after day.

Yes, China is an emerging power, but it was built by eliminating individual freedom, and feeds on its own people’s blood, while manipulating others into submission. If you live with and live by freedom and liberty, you cannot co-exist with Communist China. It is a regime of betrayal. This layer of lawlessness has been brewing for years, quietly and slowly, before it eventually became so loud and clear that the whole world now knows. We Hongkongers have learned the hard way that the Chinese Communists do not and will not honor their promises. The latest announcement made by the Communists Party leaders to roll out ‘National Security’ steps for Hong Kong hints that President Xi is to be given ever more power and leadership leverage ‘in the special administrative regions’ – an impending doom feared by all Hongkongers that may be coming true.


Credit to: 112 publicity teams

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