Home 美國 93歲華人艷舞女郎,跳遍了舊金山夜總會 A 93-year-old Chinese Strip Dancer Danced all over San Francisco Nightclubs

93歲華人艷舞女郎,跳遍了舊金山夜總會 A 93-year-old Chinese Strip Dancer Danced all over San Francisco Nightclubs

93歲華人艷舞女郎,跳遍了舊金山夜總會 A 93-year-old Chinese Strip Dancer Danced all over San Francisco Nightclubs

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20世紀40-60年代的美國舊金山唐人街,活躍著一群華人艷舞舞者,其中最傳奇的一位艷舞明星,“唐人街最敢跳的舞者”——Coby Yee,是第一代華人移民後代,也是舊金山中國城最後一家夜總會——紫禁城夜總會的最後一位老闆。 2018年,藝術家、導演楊圓圓決定拍攝關於她們的紀錄片,以及她們背後唐人街的20世紀風雲。

In San Francisco’s Chinatown there was a group of Chinese dancers active between the 1940s and 1960s. The most legendary one, Coby Yee, “the most daring dancer in Chinatown”, was the descendant of the first generation of Chinese immigrants and the last owner of the Forbidden City nightclub, the last nightclub in San Francisco’s Chinatown. In 2018, artist and director LukaYang decided to make a documentary film about them and the 20th-century Chinatown.

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