Learning a second language is crucial for most Taiwanese students, and there are various challenges during the process of studying. Hsieh believes one of the biggest challenges comes from ourselves: we build up a mental fortress to isolate our potential. Hsieh propose a unique strategy to break that barrier: by learning multiple languages instead of focusing on one single language.
At age 20, Chih Hsiang was inspired by his professors in linguistics to become a polyglot. For the next 10 years he traveled around the world conducting formal and informal language studies, including field experience in Ecuadorian Kichwa and self-initiated research of KiSwahili in Tanzania. Now Hsieh is freelancing as a teacher, interpreter, and writer to help people communicate their ideas better in different languages. He believes that communication is not only the cornerstone of our society but also the key to successful language acquisition.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at